If you are interested in more services of the SPARTA LUTA LIVRE MOVEMENT, we offer you the possibility to become a FULL MEMBER (FM) for a monthly fee.
As a FULL MEMBER you get access to various additional MOVEMENT services:
– Elimination of any graduation fees
– free „taster training“ at any time in the registered SPARTA LUTA LIVRE MOVEMENT schools
– one free workshop per year, with a maximum of 25 participants, specially designed for FULLMEMBERS
– additional online support in the form of one technical instructional per month as download
– other benefits, e.g. participation in events of SPARTA LUTA LIVRE cooperation partners (ILLCS, Kiru, Gladiators Bowl etc.) or trainers (seminars, workshops etc.)
If you have an existing training group of at least 20 FULLMEMBERS or if you have a group of this size of FULLMEMBERS, the trainer will come to a location of your choice to organize the workshop.
Are you interested?

Here is a sneak preview of our SPARTA LUTA LIVRE MOVEMENT MEMBERCARD that will be given to our FULLMEMBERS.